Local Town Hall Highlights Importance of Building Community Resiliency

Each year we learn more about how resilient the brain is to absorb trauma, adapt and attempt to move forward and make sense of it all. But as a community what will we do with this knowledge? Will we begin to take steps to heal our community or will we simply stand idly by? Posterity will not look kindly on us if we do nothing. Dr. Bruce D. Perry wrote a book 'The Boy Raised as a Dog' that touches on this important subject in a way anyone can understand. I encourage those who want to learn more to take a look, so that those not as greatly affected by trauma can identify those who struggle with it, so we can begin to help them heal.

Click here to read a Cathy Dyson Free Lance-Star article which highlights a recent townhall in the Fredericksburg community covering trauma and resiliency in kids.

May 9, 2018 - State Corporation Commission Public Hearing for Solar Project in Western Spotsy

Are Supervisors Partially Responsible for Rising Animal Shelter Cost?