Failsafe-ERA "Center of Hope" Gala Highlights

Did you know Spotsylvania County spends over $6 million as their share to the Rappahannock Regional Jail each year?

I'd like to see this number reduced, but returning citizens that served their time and want to reintegrate into society lack the support structure to do that effectively. Luckily for us, we have an organization Failsafe-Era that has been working for many years to reduce recidivism by providing our returning citizens with positive options when they are released. This program is much more economical than the revolving door of exiting and returning to jail. Check out their programs and consider supporting them. More details can be found here:

Video highlights from the 2021 FailSafe-ERA "Center of Hope" GALA, which was held Aug 14, 20201 in Fredericksburg, Virginia.

Early Voting Starts September 17th - Voting Resources Included

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