Spotsy Board Set to Approval $398 Million November Bond Referendum

On June 22, the Board of Supervisors voted 7-0 to direct staff to draft a resolution that will be voted on at their July 27th meeting that will place nearly $400 million in projects up for a November Bond Referendum. There are several additional steps in this process highlighted in the below image.

There is additional information below about the categories and projects that will be proposed in the Bond Referendum. Keep in mind, once approved the Board typically has built in flexibility to move off of these approved projects to different ones, as they see fit. This was a point of contention at prior Board meetings concerning transportation projects that were listed in the 2014 Bond Referendum, only to be later skipped over for different projects.

Below are three uploaded presentations covering the Bond Referendum process and County and School projects associated with the 2021 Bond Referendum. If the files do not immediate populate, refreshing the page should fix the problem.

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