Crucible Training Complex Proposal Moving Closer to Public Hearing

On May 3, 2018, the Crucible resubmitted their rezoning application to facilitate their plans to develop a new security training complex on Morris Road (State Route 606) on over 70 acres of property. The application documents submitted to the County Planning Department for review can be found here.

The proposed security training complex was used as a wedge issue in last year's Berkley District Supervisors race and is likely to remain a contentious issue for local residents.

Over the last year, Crucible owners claim they have addressed many of the residents concerns.  According to Scott Shenk of the Free Lance Star, these new proposals include caps on the caliber of firearms at .338 and excludes use of "high explosives". Crucible owners also claim their facility design would exceed safety standards.

The Crucible currently operates out of the Hartwood District in Stafford County, but has been looking to relocate when the Crucible owners Radio Reconnaissance Technologies Inc. encountered opposition to their expansion ideas in Stafford.

Currently, there is no scheduled hearing date for the Spotsylvania Planning Commission to review this application. The Spotsylvania Board of Supervisors would hold approval authority for the proposal.

Click here to review Scott Shenk's Free Lance Star article on the Crucible proposal.


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